Bake Magazine
Source: Sosland Publishing Co.

Small Business Saturday encourages shoppers to go local


Americans are being urged to embrace the spirit of the holiday season by supporting local small businesses on Small Business Saturday, an annual event founded by American Express and celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2024. The event takes place the Saturday following Thanksgiving, which falls on November 30 this year, and it being marketed as the Season of Small Business.

“Small Business Saturday has become America’s call to action to support the backbone of our economy and heart of our communities – our small businesses,” says Isabel Casillas Guzman, administrator of the US Small Business Administration (SBA). “America’s incredible entrepreneurs create jobs, drive innovation, and strengthen our communities, shaping the unique character of neighborhoods across America. This year, as we continue to enjoy an unprecedented Small Business Boom, I encourage everyone to Gift Big and Shop Local by supporting local businesses and the millions of hardworking Americans behind them.”

Small Business Saturday is dedicated to celebrating local businesses that create jobs, help boost the economy and enhance neighborhoods around the country. According to American Express, the projected total reported spending among US consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday since its founding has reached an estimated $201 billion.