Bake Magazine
Source: Nelea Reazanteva -

Flavor trends for a new year


ADM has released its 2025 Flavor and Color Trends Report that will affect food and beverage innovations in 2025. ADM’s findings look at four trend spaces affecting consumers’ choices, including opportunities for consumers to have unique sensorial experiences that seek contradictory desires for nostalgia and future innovations, a focus on wellness, affordability and personalization, according to the company.

The four trend spaces include:

Revisit & Re-Invent is the power of human memories and shared experiences combined with new generations experiencing classic tastes and colors for the first time, prompting redefining tradition with simplicity, familiarity and comfort, according to ADM.

Adaptive Eating showcases consumers tailoring consumption moments to improve the quality of their health, adapt to changing economic or environmental concerns and fulfilling human needs for satisfaction from foods and beverages, according to the study.

Euphoric Wellness is flavors and colors that are interconnected with human moods and emotions. Consumers are seeking different areas of wellness, including nourishment for the mind, body and soul, according to ADM.

Made for (You) has consumers curious to create meaningful moments to lead to positivity and personal joy from unexpected and personalized food and beverages that are formulated with vibrant flavors and colors, according to the study.

Revisit and Reinvent Flavor inspirations

  • Elevated berry
  • Creamy
  • Umami-rich flavors
  • Indulgent sweet brown profiles
  • Favorite and familiar fruits to each region

Adaptive Eating Flavor inspirations

  • Orange, lime, apple
  • Honey, creamy flavors
  • Cheese / dairy flavors, indulgent flavor types
  • Flavor technology to achieve unchanged taste in better-for-you formulations

Euphoric Wellness Flavor inspirations

  • Hops – as “the new botanical” for hop-forward (not necessarily just alcoholic) beverages
  • Grapefruit, bergamot
  • Tropicals and botanicals

Made for You Flavor inspirations

  • Playful flavor concepts
  • Flavor paired with sensations in cooling, heating and mouthfeel
  • Highbrow/lowbrow flavor concepts